Demonstration Images

All of the images used for the FIJI Intermediate Image Analysis Workshop are made available to workshop attendees under the condition that they are used for demonstration purposes in the workshop only. Images cannot be redistributed or used for any other purpose, personal or professional, by workshop attendees at any time.

Demonstrations Images were generously provided by the following contributors:

Spheroid.tif1 …………………...…………...............……….....….………………..…. Kirstin Elgass, Monash Micro-Imaging at MHTP

HyperStack.tif2 ……………..….………...........………………….....……………………. Sarah Creed, Monash Micro-Imaging at MHTP

Nuclei-1.tif ….……............……….……............…………………....………………… Kirstin Elgass, Monash Micro-Imaging at MHTP

RGBStackProjection.tif3 ..……………....................………...………………….. Sarah Creed, Monash Micro-Imaging at MHTP

DAPI_Uneven4 ................................................. Kirstin Elgass and Sarah Creed, Monash Micro Imaging at MHTP

Bleached.tif ................................................................................ Kirstin Elgass, Monash Micro Imaging at MHTP

NeuralTubeRed.tif ............................................ Catherine Cochrane, CCR, Hudson Institute of Medical Research

AutoTrack.tif ..................................................................................................... Nils Nesheim, Monash University

Kymograph.tif5 ...................................... Rebecca Lim, The Ritchie Centre, Hudson Institute of Medical Research

Image Set: Deconvolution .......................................................... Kirstin Elgass, Monash Micro-Imaging at MHTP

Image Set: Manual Stitching ........................................................ Sarah Creed, Monash Micro Imaging at MHTP

Image Set: TrackEM2 .................................. Anqi Li, _T_he Ritchie Centre, Hudson Institute of Medical Research

1. Captured at the UWA Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation and Analysis. Also used to generate Spheroid_Shift.tif
2. Captured at The Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Centre, UNC, Chapel Hill, NC USA. Also used to generate MovieStack.tif
3. Also used to generate the image set RGB-Blue.tif, RGB-Green.tif and RGB-Red.tif and Morphology.tif
4. Pseudo image created by Sarah Creed as a demonstration image from a combination of Spheroid.tiff background and RGB-Blue.tif
5. Also used to generate Colocalisation.tif

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